TikTok for Developers


Working with organizations


Organizations allow developers to collaborate as a group. Using organizations, multiple developers can work together on registered apps in TikTok for Developers.

Developers sign in with their TikTok for Developers account, create or join an organization for their company, department, or group, and then cooperate on their project. Individuals assigned as administrators can manage membership in the organization.

Who should use organizations?

If you work as part of a group of people, you should join or create an organization for your group. For example, employees of a company should register apps under the ownership of the organization and not under their individual accounts.

Note: Sharing developer accounts and login credentials is discouraged because of security, privacy, and business continuity concerns.

Member Guide

How do I view my organizations?

Navigate to the My organizations page by selecting My organizations from the Developer menu: the user icon on the top right of the page. Here you can see all the organizations you are a member of. Click on an organization to view its details.

How do I join an organization?

To join an organization, you must be invited by an administrator. Once invited, an email will be sent to the email address registered with your TikTok developer account. You can also view and respond to pending invitations on the My organizations page.

If you accept the invitation to join an organization, you will be added to the organization. If you reject the invitation, you will not be added. If you change your mind and decide to join, the administrator will need to send you a new invitation. Please be careful before rejecting invitations as we limit the number of invitations administrators can send you.

How do I leave an organization?

To leave an organization, first navigate to the organization page. Click the menu button (three dots: ...) and select Leave organization. Confirm that you want to leave the organization.

If you leave an organization, you cannot join again without an invitation from an administrator.

How do I register an app directly with an organization?

Follow the instructions described in Register you app. When prompted to select the app owner, choose one of your organizations from the list.

How do I import an app into an organization?

Importing or transferring apps are irreversible actions. Only perform this action if you are certain you want to transfer ownership to the organization.

  1. Navigate to your app from the Manage apps page.
  2. Select an app which you own that you wish to import.
  3. Open the advanced management drop-down by clicking the three dots (...).
  4. Click Transfer App.
  5. Select the desired organization, and click Initiate Transfer.

An invitation will be emailed to the administrators of the app to accept and complete the transfer.

Do not request to transfer apps to unauthorized organizations. The recipient organization should be the rightful owner of the app in the real world.

Administrator Guide

What is an organization administrator?

As an administrator or admin, you have full rights to manage the organization. You can invite developers, promote others to administrators, approve requests for apps to be imported from personal accounts, and even delete the whole organization.

Only assign the administrator role to those who require full control of the organization. However, it's recommended to have at least two admins in an organization to prevent issues when an admin leaves the organization.

How do I create an organization?

Navigate to the My organizations page and click Add organization. Enter a name for your organization and click Create. Your organization will be created and you will be set as an administrator by default.

Note: For research projects, do not create your own organization. An organization will be created for your project automatically upon approval. It is not possible to add research projects to your non-research organizations.

How do I invite new members?

To invite a member to your organization, you must be an administrator for that organization.

  1. Navigate to your organization from the My organizations page.
  2. Scroll down to the Members section.
  3. Click Add member.
  4. Enter the member’s email address.
    • The developer must already have a registered account with TikTok for Developers. Sending invitations to unregistered developers is not supported.
  5. Choose the right role for the invitee.
    • Admins have total control over the organization and its membership.
    • Members have access to the organization's resources (apps and research projects).
  6. Click Send invitation.

You can track your invitations in the Members section and cancel them if necessary.

An organization may only have up to 10 members by default.

Note: For research projects, you will be asked additional questions and information about the invitees.

How do I remove members from an organization?

To remove a member from your organization, you must be an administrator for that organization.

  1. Navigate to your organization from the My organizations page.
  2. Scroll down to the Members section.
  3. Find the member you want to remove.
  4. Click the three dots (...) button to show additional actions, and select Remove.

How can I stop being an administrator for my organization?

Follow these steps to give up your administrative rights in an organization:

  1. Navigate to your organization from the My organizations page.
  2. Click the menu button (three dots: ...) and select Give up admin rights.
  3. Confirm that you want to give up admin rights.

TikTok for Developers