TikTok for Developers




TikTok supports independent research about our platform. TikTok's Research Tools allow qualifying researchers who conduct research on a not-for-profit basis to study public data about TikTok content and accounts. This document describes the Research Tools functionality provided to researchers by TikTok.

Eligibility and Data Access

To check your eligibility and determine the process to get access to this data, check our product page.

Content Made Available for Research


Unit of Analysis

A public TikTok video posted by a public creator (who is aged 18 and over), who wants to expose their videos to all users of TikTok


All the videos from TikTok that are:

  1. made public by a creator who is aged 18 and over;
  2. AND, are posted in the regions of US, Europe and Rest of the World;
  3. AND do not belong to Canada.


  1. ID: The unique identifier of the TikTok video. This is also called "item_id" or "video_id".
  2. Create Time: This is the time when the video was created.
  3. Username: This is the username of the video creator.
  4. Region Code: A two digit code for the country where the video creator registered their account. Click here to learn more about the region codes returned.
  5. Video Description: This is the description of the video.
  6. Music ID: This is the music_id used in the video.
  7. Like Count: The total number of likes on a TikTok video, created by users by clicking the “Heart” icon.
  8. Comment Count: This is the total number of comments posted on a video.
  9. Share Count: The total number of times a TikTok video has been shared by clicking the "Share" button with the video.
  10. View Count: This is the total number of views for a video on TikTok.
  11. Effect_IDs: The list of effects applied on the video.
  12. Video ID: This is a unique video ID for each video posted on TikTok. This is a number that can be used to reconstruct the URL link to access the video.
  13. Hashtags: The list of hashtags used in the video.
  14. Hashtag_id: Returns the unique hashtag_ids for each hashtag.
  15. Hashtag_description: Returns a description for a hashtag_name if one exists.
  16. Video_mention_list: Returns the other tagged users in a video.
  17. Video_label: Returns any labels applied to a video such as "election labels" (Ex: Get info on the U.S elections)
  18. Playlist_ID: The ID of the playlist that the video belongs to.
  19. Voice_to_text: Voice to text and subtitles (for videos that have voice to text features on, show the texts already generated)
  20. Is_stem_verified: Whether the video has been verified as being high quality STEM content.
  21. Video_duration: The duration of the video in seconds.
  22. Favorites_count: The number of favorites a video receives.


Unit of Analysis

A comment OR a reply to a comment posted for a public video on TikTok.


The information provided here includes text extracted from comments and a serial number (i.e. comment IDs) that help identify original comments posted on a video and any replies to comments. To protect the privacy of our users, other information is removed.


  1. Create Time: This is the time when the comment was posted on a video.
  2. ID: This is the unique comment ID for a comment posted on a video.
  3. Like Count: The total number of likes for a comment under a video, created by users by clicking the “Heart” icon.
  4. Parent Comment ID: This is the unique ID of the parent comment when the user responds to another user's comment. If the comment was directly entered for a video, this ID is the same as the Video ID.
  5. Reply Count: This is the total number of replies on a particular comment.
  6. Text: This is the actual text of the comment entered on a video. To protect the privacy of our users, other information is removed.
  7. Video_ID: This is the video ID for which the comment was entered.


Unit of Analysis

User information of all TikTok users that have set their account to public and are aged 18 and over.


The public details of a public user who is aged 18 and over can be accessed via this particular API.


  1. Following Count: This is the number of people that a public user follows.
  2. Likes Count: This is the total number of likes accumulated by the user.
  3. Video Count: This is the total number of videos that the user has posted on their TikTok account.
  4. Bio Description: This is the description in the bio of the user. If the user does not have a description, this will be returned blank.
  5. Display Name: This is the user's profile name that is found under the username.
  6. Follower Count: This is the total number of followers that follow the user.
  7. Avatar URL: This is the URL of the user's profile picture.
  8. Is Verified: This returns the information on whether the user has been verified. All verified users will have "blue tick" next to their username. If the user has a blue tick, this variable will return a "true" in the response.
  9. Bio_URL: The public URL in the user's bio will be shared here.

Liked Videos

Unit of Analysis

Liked video details of a TikTok user that has set their account to public and is aged 18 and over.


The liked video details of a public user who is aged 18 and over can be accessed via this particular API.


  1. ID: The unique identifier of the TikTok video. This is also called "item_id" or "video_id".
  2. Create Time: This is the time when the video was created.
  3. Username: This is the unique username of the video creator.
  4. Region Code: A two digit code for the country where the video creator registered their account. Click here to learn more about the region codes returned.
  5. Video Description: This is the description of the liked video.
  6. Music ID: This is the music_id used in the video.
  7. Like Count: The total number of likes on a TikTok video, created by users by clicking the “Heart” icon.
  8. Comment Count: This is the total number of comments posted on a video.
  9. Share Count: The total number of times a TikTok video has been shared by clicking the "Share" button with the video.
  10. View Count: This is the total number of views for a video on TikTok.
  11. Hashtag Names: The list of hashtags used in the video.
  12. Hashtag_id: Returns all the unique hashtag_ids for each hashtag.
  13. Hashtag_description: Returns a description for a hashtag_name if one exists.
  14. Video_mention_list: Returns the other tagged users in a video.
  15. Video_label: Returns any labels applied to a video such as "election labels" (Ex: Get info on the U.S elections)
  16. Is_stem_verified: Whether the video has been verified as being high quality STEM content.
  17. Video_duration: The duration of the video in seconds.
  18. Favorites_count: The number of favorites a video receives.

Reposted Videos

Unit of Analysis

Reposted video details of a TikTok user that has set their account to public and is aged 18 and over.


The reposted video details of a public user who is aged 18 and over can be accessed via this particular API.


  1. ID: The unique identifier of the TikTok video. This is also called "item_id" or "video_id".
  2. Create Time: This is the time when the video was created.
  3. Username: This is the unique username of the video creator.
  4. Region Code: A two digit code for the country where the video creator registered their account. Click here to learn more about the region codes returned.
  5. Video Description: This is the description of the liked video.
  6. Music ID: This is the music_id used in the video.
  7. Like Count: The total number of likes on a TikTok video, created by users by clicking the “Heart” icon.
  8. Comment Count: This is the total number of comments posted on a video.
  9. Share Count: The total number of times a TikTok video has been shared by clicking the "Share" button with the video.
  10. View Count: This is the total number of views for a video on TikTok.
  11. Hashtag Names: The list of hashtags used in the video.
  12. Hashtag_id: Returns all the unique hashtag_ids for each hashtag.
  13. Hashtag_description: Returns a description for a hashtag_name if one exists.
  14. Video_mention_list: Returns the other tagged users in a video.
  15. Video_label: Returns any labels applied to a video such as "election labels" (Ex: Get info on the U.S elections)
  16. Is_stem_verified: Whether the video has been verified as being high quality STEM content.
  17. Video_duration: The duration of the video in seconds.
  18. Favorites_count: The number of favorites a video receives.

Pinned Videos

Unit of Analysis

Pinned video details of a TikTok user that has set their account to public and is aged 18 and over.


The pinned video details of a public user who is aged 18 and over can be accessed via this particular API.


  1. ID: The unique identifier of the TikTok video. This is also called "item_id" or "video_id".
  2. Create Time: This is the time when the video was created.
  3. Username: This is the username of the video creator.
  4. Region Code: A two digit code for the country where the video creator registered their account. Click here to learn more about the region codes returned.
  5. Video Description: This is the description of the pinned video.
  6. Music ID: This is the music_id used in the video.
  7. Like Count: The total number of likes on a TikTok video, created by users by clicking the “Heart” icon.
  8. Comment Count: This is the total number of comments posted on a video.
  9. Share Count: The total number of times a TikTok video has been shared by clicking the "Share" button with the video.
  10. View Count: This is the total number of views for a video on TikTok.
  11. Hashtag Names: The list of hashtags used in the video.
  12. Hashtag_id: Returns all the unique hashtag_ids for each hashtag.
  13. Hashtag_description: Returns a description for a hashtag_name if one exists.
  14. Video_mention_list: Returns the other tagged users in a video.
  15. Video_label: Returns any labels applied to a video such as "election labels" (Ex: Get info on the U.S elections)
  16. Is_stem_verified: Whether the video has been verified as being high quality STEM content.
  17. Video_duration: The duration of the video in seconds.
  18. Favorites_count: The number of favorites a video receives.

Query Followers List

The followers list of a TikTok user that has set their account to public and is aged 18 and over.


The followers list of a public user who is aged 18 and over can be accessed via this particular API.


  1. Display Name: This is the profile name of the follower who follows the queried user.
  2. Username: This is the username of the follower who follows the queried user.

Query Following List

The following list of a TikTok user that has set their account to public and is aged 18 and over. Further, the public user should also have made their following list public.


The following list of a public user who is aged 18 and over and has made this list public can be accessed via this particular API.


  1. Display Name: This is the profile name of the user who the queried user follows.
  2. Username: This is the username of the user who the queried user follows.

Query Playlist Info

The public playlists from accounts to get information on all videos that are part of a playlist.


The playlist details of a playlist ID that is publicly visible to all users can be accessed via this particular API.


  1. Playlist_ID: The unique ID of the playlist.
  2. Playlist_item_total: Provides the total number of items in a playlist.
  3. Playlist_last_updated: Provides info on when the playlist was last updated.
  4. Playlist_name: The name of the playlist.
  5. Playlist_Video_IDs: Provides a list of all video IDs in a playlist.

TikTok for Developers