Pinned Videos
HTTP Method | POST |
Scopes | (required) |
Key | Type | Description | Example | Required |
Authorization | string | The client access token obtained from /v2/oauth/token/. | Bearer clt.example12345Example12345Example | Yes |
Content-Type | string | The original media type of the resource | application/json | Yes |
Query Parameters
Key | Type | Description | Example Value | Required |
fields | string | Field names for desired data to be returned. It is a comma separated list. See Video Object below for a full list of values. | Complete list: id,create_time,username,region_code,video_description,music_id,like_count,comment_count,share_count,view_count,hashtag_names, is_stem_verified, favourites_count, video_duration,hashtag_info_list, sticker_info_list, effect_info_list, video_mention_list,video_label | Yes |
Key | Type | Description | Example Value | Required |
username | string | The username as the unique identifier | "test_username" | Yes |
curl --location ',share_count,view_count,comment_count,like_count' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer clt.testtemp123test123test123' \
--data '{
"username": "test_username"
Key | Type | Description |
data | PinnedVideosData | The returned pinned videos list |
error | ErrorStructV2 | Error object |
Key | Type | Description |
user_pinned_videos | list<Video> | A list of video objects that match the query |
Video Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
"id" | int64 | The unique identifier of the TikTok video |
"create_time" | int64 | UTC Unix epoch (in seconds) of when the TikTok video was posted |
"username" | string | The username as the unique identifier of the video creator |
"region_code" | string | A two digit code for the country where the video creator registered their account. |
"video_description" | string | The description of the pinned video |
"music_id" | int64 | The music ID used in the video |
"like_count" | int64 | The number of likes the video has received |
"comment_count" | int64 | The number of comments the video has received |
"share_count" | int64 | The number of shares the video has received |
"view_count" | int64 | The number of views the video has received |
"hashtag_names" | list<string> | The list of hashtags used in the video |
"hashtag_info_list" | Struct | "hashtag_id" and "hashtag_description". Returns all the unique hashtag_ids for each hashtag_name and a "hashtag_description" when one exists. |
"sticker_info_list" | Struct | "sticker_id" and "sticker_name". Returns the interactive sticker details when available for a video. |
"effect_info_list" | Struct | "effect_id", "effect_name" and "effect_photo_URI". Returns further details of effects when used in a video. |
"video_mention_list" | list<string> | Returns other users tagged in a video |
"video_label" | Struct | Returns any information and labels associated with a video. |
"video_duration" | int64 | The duration of the video, in seconds. |
"is_stem_verified" | bool | Whether the video has been verified as being high quality STEM content. |
favorites_count | int64 | The number of favorites that a video receives. |
"data": {
"pinned_videos_list": [
"like_count": 6205646,
"share_count": 15864,
"view_count": 44199736,
"comment_count": 15597,
"id": 7777777777777777777
"share_count": 6630,
"view_count": 16171042,
"comment_count": 6830,
"id": 3333333333333333333,
"like_count": 1464523
"comment_count": 2685,
"id": 9999999999999999999,
"like_count": 189552,
"share_count": 4796,
"view_count": 1305777
"error": {
"code": "ok",
"message": "ok",
"log_id": "202499999999999999999999999"