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TikTok for Developers
Introducing TikTok's Data Portability API
by Sam Heft-Luthy, Product Manager, TikTok
Developer products

As part of our ongoing efforts to support data portability, the principles of market contestability, as well as provide users with more choice and control over their data, we're excited to announce our Data Portability API. Developers worldwide can apply for access to the API and portability will be available for TikTok users in the European Economic Area (EEA). Access to the API is granted subject to a security and privacy review.

This update makes it easier for users to transfer their data from TikTok directly to services and apps they authorize and expands on our current practice of allowing users to request their data directly from the app for data access and portability purposes, as well as allowing users to download a copy of their posts in order to share with other platforms.

Data Scopes

Using the Login Kit, users can grant one-time or ongoing permission to developers, giving third parties permission to transfer data from their TikTok accounts. Third-party apps can request approval to obtain several different categories of data, including posts and profile, activity, direct messages, or a user's full data archive.

After receiving permission, developers can make a request for data on behalf of the user, and use the API to track the request's status and download data once it's ready. As part of our efforts to improve our data portability solutions for users, we've significantly improved the speed to export user data for both our Download Your Data tool and this API. We aim to provide data within a few seconds, minutes, or hours, depending on the data requested. However, this is not guaranteed, as unforeseen technical issues may cause delays.

Getting Started

In order to integrate with the Data Portability API, developers can add the API product to their app on the TikTok for Developers website. Developers will be invited to apply for a review of their app to get approval of the required API scopes. In order to apply, we ask for detailed UX mockups and information about the app's function.

This API can be used for a variety of purposes; the review is intended to ensure the privacy and security of user data, and make sure the app meets our Guidelines for user transparency and control.

Next Steps

TikTok is excited to launch this API, and is looking forward to seeing how our developer community uses the API to help users manage their data. We're exploring ways to improve the API, and are always happy to receive feedback.

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